This is one of these things that I broke my head around a couple of times. And every time I need to do this, it takes me a fair amount of trial and error before solving it. Let’s get that over once and for all. (seriously, i’ll probably Google for this issue in about 6 […]
Setting up xdebug and Webgrind in docker compose for in-depth PHP profiling
Yep – it’s necessary. I really need to dig into that page load; what’s happening in this evironment and why? It’s time to setup xdebug and webgrind. We’ll use the Geniem Oy’s images and repo for the foundation. I’m specifically interested in the webgrind service, and will add this to my docker-compose.yml file: I will […]
WordPress, VS Code, Code Sniffers and Coding standards: The Right Way
Every now and then I make a change in my development environment and.. I am back at re-configuring the whole setup. Let’s get that over with once and for all. The setup that works This is my environment: Visual Studio Code with PHP Sniffer by wongjn Composer with squizlabs/php_codesniffer wp-coding-standards/wpcs The root of my workspace […]
Supported file types on
While working on a project in which I wanted to automatically process any CSV files uploaded to the media library I encountered some issues with not allowing this file type. After an upload, kept buggin me with: 1 file could not be uploaded because the file type is not supported. Filters like mime_types […]
The URL buildup of Google Analytics pages
For a recent project, I wanted to link to external Google Analytics reports. The links of Google Analytics dashboard pages are a bit.. complicated though. Have a look at the example below: I reached out to Google support, but they weren’t able to assist me with this. So I started having a better look, and […]
Managing menu items and custom pages in Woocommerce My account
I wanted to remove the home/dashboard menu item in the Woocommerce my account dashboard and found a great snippet to redirect the visitors from the dashboard to another page upon arrival. This way both the menu item is gone and the page is inaccessible. I found the snippet on Misha Rudrastyh‘s website, in the following […]
Detecting the user’s global location using javascript
A while back I wanted to show/hide a box on my website based on the location of the visitor. There’s a couple of options to get the user location: Use an API which you send the IP address to and get a location back (find services by googling “geolocation ip address api”) Ask for the […]
Prevent WordPress update nag in custom WordPress plugins and themes using the Update URI header
As the WordPress Plugin and Theme repositories are growing the names of custom plugins and themes are running out. What if you create a theme or plugin with a name that’s already used in the WordPress repository? In that case, WordPress will ask you to update it, and that could lead to disastrous events. Since […]
Mariadb in docker fails to start, keeps restarting
Lately I’ve seen errors in my local development environments: This causes my database container to get stuck in a restarting loop. The fix? Downgrade the mariadb version! The database part of docker compose was configured like this: The version used on my system is mariadb 10.8.3, apparently that version can cause issues like this. After […]
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